Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Heroes" Flub

So, in an effort to liven up this blog, I think I'm occasionally going to include some musings on some of the television shows I watch. I doubt any of y'all are dorky enough to watch "Heroes," but I'm exactly that dorky. And, even if y'all are that dorky enough, I doubt y'all are dorky enough to have noticed a tiny little plot hole. Or maybe they'll acknowledge it next week. Not sure. But here's what my extremely acute geek senses alerted me to the other night. 

So we all know that Nathan Patrelli is an in-the-closet hero trying to round up all the other heroes. We also know that Hunter, Patrelli's little hero-rounding-squad leader reads up on all the heroes he's trying to catch (as evidenced in the scene where he confronts Claire and says he knows all about her powers and how to kill her etc.). One would assume that the goon squad also should know that now Peter Patrelli can only hold on to one power at a time (as evidenced by Nathan and Peter's conversation from two episodes ago), and as soon as he absorbs a new one, the old one is gone. NOW, in the final scene of last night's episode, Peter has a gun to Nathan, and then escapes via his newly gained power of flight. Hunter is there as well. It seems to me that a smart guy like Hunter would be able to deduce the fact that Peter's flying ability must have been taken from the last person he touched with that ability (Nathan). 

I dunno, "Heroes" writers. I've found everything about your "ordinary people with superpowers" story thoroughly believable until now. Shape up or ship up.

See any flaws in my reasoning? Want to add anything? Want to express how douchey you think this was? You know where the comments section is.

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