Tuesday, October 27, 2009

happy birthday brownbearwantshoney!

one year ago today, i made my first official post on this here blog. to be honest, i'm a bit surprised that i'm still doing this, considering the low traffic. i guess i just enjoy putting stuff out there. if one or two people get turned onto something new every once in awhile, i suppose it's worth it.

but i do have to say, with the utmost sincerity, that i am very grateful for my few friends that do read this blog regularly, even if they do so for no other reason but to humor me/stroke my ego. it means more to me than you know.

<3 u.


Ryan Kloberdanz said...

I find it a little hurtful I didn't get some sort of special post to celebrate me. I might consider investing my free time in studying or volunteering or something, instead of this blog.

But I'll probably just continue reading, hoping in vain to get some mention. Its like when I walk in downtown and "accidentally" run into people, just to feel their touch and know I am still alive...

kappy said...

Klob, my favorite (and neediest) reader. I love you most of all.